I was so excited when Magic Lantern contacted us and wanted us to do a review and a giveaway for their company.
I am simply amazed by this website. It's cute, lots of good information and they products are something every parent would love to do with their child/children.
Magic Lantern has given us the Kidz Story Kit to review. And I must say they thought of everything such as: An official "Magic Lantern Pathways to Literacy" booklet for Parents, Markers, Eraser, Pencil, Labels, Instruction Booklet, several pages of templates (Title Page, Copyright page, Dedication Page, etc. There are 30 all together). They give you ideas on what to write and what to do when you make a mistake.
I can't wait to do this with my son. Since the holidays are coming up and he is out of school(Thanksgiving Vacation, Christmas Vacation). This is a great project to do with him and of course the bonding between him and I will probably be just out of this world. And once it's all done, you send it back to Magic Lantern and they will bound the pages in a 7 x 8 1/2 size cloth (buckram)hard cover in your choice of 6 colors. The standard production time is 2-3 weeks.
Magic Lantern writes:
Your child will never be at this age and stage of development again. Preserve their ideas, writing, and illustrations as a snapshot of who they are right now!"
I can't write that better myself. Our kids grow up so fast and we need to cheerish that every moment...

Win It! One Family World Fun reader will win a Magic Lantern Kidz Story Kit. To Enter.*Visit Magic Lantern(http://www.mymagiclantern.com/) and tell me another product you like besides the ones listed in this post.Get one additional entry for each of the following you do*Write a unique blog post linking to this post and Magic Lantern*Subscribe to my feed or Follow Me on Blogger*Follow me on Twitter (@familyworldfun) and tweet about this contest (you can do this daily) Copy & Paste: RT Win Magic Lantern Story Kit http://familyworldfun1.blogspot.com/2009/11/magic-lantern-kidz-story-kit-product.html *Post on facebook *Send and e-mail to your friend(s) about this contest and CC me.*Purchase from Magic Lantern and let me know. Please leave extra entry in a separate comment or it will not count. Email must be available for contact, either in profile or comment. Giveaway open to All. I will randomly select the winner Friday Midnight, November 27th, 2009. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or I have the right to pick a new winner. (only for USA residents) Good luck!